
Prouille FC News - 7th May 2014

Hi Footy Fans, 

Commiserations to our Western Sydney Wanderers supporters - it was a great game , and it underlined the importance of headers from corners and free kicks (so practice practice practice)!  

The season is well underway, so a few basic reminders are due:  

* Don't forget that all kids should receive equal game time;  

* It is about building skills and understanding more than the score, so get the bigger kids passing through the mid-field as opposed to always going the big boot;  
* Managers should stay in touch with the managers of the same age group and one/two years below - the flu season means that many teams will need support and the kids love the extra game time (they sleep very well afterwards);  
* Keep your comments focussed on what you want your players to do - the desired behaviours - as opposed to telling them what not to do, as it is far more effective;  

As the weather gets colder please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Uniform Champion, Jamie Hill  - Jamie has fleeces and jackets available that are perfect for training and game day - uniforms@prouillesoccer.com.au.  

All the best for this coming weekend, and don't forget to run to space.  

Michael Trinder      

President, Prouille FC      

Mo: 0406 753 029, President@prouillesoccer.com.au      

Proudly sponsored by the Alto Group and NorthPoint Motor Body Repairs.      
